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Conférence de Christopher Bakken

Publié le 26 octobre 2022 Mis à jour le 26 octobre 2022
Le 08 novembre 2022 De 17:30 à 19:30
MSH - 4 rue Ledru à Clermont-Ferrand
Amphi 125

Responsable scientifique: Anne Rouhette

Mardi 8 novembre 2022

Conférence de  Christopher Bakken  (en anglais)
professeur de littérature américaine et de « creative writing » à Allegheny College (Pennsylvanie, USA)
Poète, auteur d’un récit de voyage qui fait la part belle à la gastronomie, M. Bakken y explorera son rapport à la Grèce et à ses écrivains.

Notes from a Hellenized Barbarian

Christopher Bakken’s poetry, nonfiction, and translations exhibit a sustained engagement with Greek literature and culture. In this presentation, Mr. Bakken will read and share examples of poetry from across his career and he will consider the ways his poems might constitute acts of translation, since they work in conversation with Greek poets (including Cavafy, Karyotakis, Ritsos, Elytis, and Patrikios), but also spring from sources inherently cross-cultural and even cross-linguistic. A small anthology of his poems will be available at the event and audience members will be welcome to ask questions about his work and his writing process.