Maria Fernanda Brasete

Maria Fernanda Brasete has an Undergraduate degree in Humanities from the Catholic University of Portugal (1985), a Masters course in Classic Literatures from the University of Coimbra (1991), and a PhD in Literature from the University of Aveiro (2011). Brasete is Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages and Cultures of the UA and a member of the editing team of Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate, and Forma Breve. She participates in the process of peer review in Portuguese journals, as well in international ones. She has been a member of the research team of the project “Mythographies: Themes and Variations” (CLLC-UA She is also a research collaborator member at the Project “Rewriting Myth” of the CECH- Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra ( ). By invitation, she is, since 2020, a collaborator member of the International Project entitled «Common home and new ways of living interculturally»: Public theology and ecology of culture in post-pandemic times («Casa comum e novos modos de habitar interculturalmente»: Teologia pública e ecologia cultural em tempos de pós-pandemia), organised by the I&D CITER Group of the Universidade Católica de Lisboa. She has edited several books and published about fourty studies on Homer's epic, Archaic Lyric, Greek Tragedy, especially Euripidean, and the reception of Greek drama in Portuguese and Spanish literatures. Since 2016, she also teaches courses of Portuguese language and has developed activities in this area, particularly in the three editions organization of the International Conference "Pelos Mares da Língua Portuguesa" and in the organizations of several related events to the study and dissemination of the Portuguese language.

Research interests
  • Ancient Greek Literature and Culture
  • Translation of ancient greek authors
  • Reception of Greek Tragedy
  • Reception of Greco-latin Literature
  • Comparative literature
  • Myth and religion
  • Rewriting of classic myths
  • Portuguese Language

Bibliographie de Maria Fernanda Brasete