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Du 14 novembre 2024 au 15 novembre 2024
Colloque international : «The Traveller’s Tale: Emergent Forms and Minority Traditions»
Publié le 14 décembre 2023 – Mis à jour le 18 novembre 2024
- KAP Learning Centre, salle 209 (5 rue Kessler - Clermont-Ferrand)
- Polydôme, Place du 1er Mai, Clermont-Fd. (tram: Place du 1er Mai)
Responsables scientifiques : Catherine Morgan-Proux et Anne Rouhette.
Colloque international « Le Récit du Voyageur, spéciale Carnet de Voyage » /« The Traveller’s Tale. Emergent Forms and Minority Traditions» organisé dans le cadre de Rendez Vous du Carnet de Voyage en novembre 2024
Panel 1 : Minority Traditions (1) : general remarks and Celtic languages
Panel 2: Minority Traditions (2) : between tradition and innovation
Panel 3 : Emergent forms (1) : between tradition and innovation
Keynote Address
Panel 4 : Emergent forms (2)
Panel 5 : Emergent Forms (3)
Programme :
Thursday 14th November, Room 209 KAP, Learning Center (5 rue Kessler, Clermont-Fd)
- 9.00 am : Welcome remarks by Benedicte Mathios director CELIS, UCA ; Fabrice Boyer, director University Library. ; Catherine Morgan-Proux, CELIS, UCA, SELVA, Anne Rouhette UCA, SELVA
Keynote Address :
- 9.15 : Pr. Carl Thompson, (University of Surrey, UK): "The Traveller’s Tale : Global forms, Circulations and Innovations."
Chair : Catherine.Morgan-Proux
- 10.00 – 10.15 : Discussion
- 10.15 – 10.30 : break
Panel 1 : Minority Traditions (1) : general remarks and Celtic languages
Chair : Catherine Morgan-Proux
- 10.30 : Michael Erdman (The British Library) : The British Library holdings on travel literature of the Middle East and Turkey
- 10.55 : Pr. Heather Williams (University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies): "When the Other is similar: Welsh travel writing on Brittany in the twentieth century." Remote.
- 11.20 : Dr. Kathryn Jones (Swansea University) : "Journeys in and between minoritised Celtic languages: Recognition, performance and immersion."
- 11.45-12.05 : discussion
- 12.15-13.30 : lunch for participants(Restaurant Pavillon Lecoq, Jardin Lecoq)
Panel 2: Minority Traditions (2) : between tradition and innovation
Chair : Christina Kraenzle
13.45 : EmmaLucy Cole (University of Bristol, UK) : "Strategic fetishing : The marketing of Bedouin across traditional and innovative forms of Travel Writing."
14.10 : Oriane Chevalier (UCA, CELIS) : "Florence Ayscough’s Ecopoetic and Transcultural Travel on the Yangtze River."
14.35 : Arman Martirosyan (University of Strasbourg) : From Murray Handbooks to Lonely Planets: Shifting Perspectives on Traveling to the Disputed Territories of Nagorno-Karabakh and Crimea in Several Lonely Planet Guidebook Editions (2000–2024). Remote
15.-15.20 : Discussion
15.20-15.40 : break
14.10 : Oriane Chevalier (UCA, CELIS) : "Florence Ayscough’s Ecopoetic and Transcultural Travel on the Yangtze River."
14.35 : Arman Martirosyan (University of Strasbourg) : From Murray Handbooks to Lonely Planets: Shifting Perspectives on Traveling to the Disputed Territories of Nagorno-Karabakh and Crimea in Several Lonely Planet Guidebook Editions (2000–2024). Remote
15.-15.20 : Discussion
15.20-15.40 : break
Panel 3 : Emergent forms (1) : between tradition and innovation
Chair : Leisha Lecointre
- 15.40 : Pr. Maria Zulmira Castanheira, Dr. Luciano Moreira and Dr. Maria Beatriz Rodrigues (CETAPS, NOVA University, and University of Porto, Portugal): "Anglophone Travellers in Portugal’ project: A citizen science approach to map (born-digital) written accounts"
- 16.05 : Marco Neves, Maria da Conceição, Emiliano Castel-Branco (NOVA, CETAPS) : "Written on the Road: Afonso Reis Cabral’s Journey Along Portugal's EN2 as a Case Study in Multimodal Travel Writing."
- 16.30 : Pr. Claude Feral (associate researcher Université Bordeaux) : " Riding along the Canal du Midi in 2018: An Original Travel Narrative in Occitan."
- 16.55 – 17.15 : Discussion
- 17.30 – 18 : Opening of exhibition “A retrospective on 10 editions of the UCA Student Travel Journal competition” (KAP) with a tour by students from Master 1 Direction Projets ou Etablissements Culturel (UCA)
- 19.30: Dinner for participants (La Régalade, 9 Rue Nestor Perret)
Friday 15th November, room "plateau," Polydome, Place du 1er Mai, Clermont Fd. (tram: Place du 1er Mai)
- 9.00 : Pierrette Viel, president IFAV : Welcome remarks
Keynote Address
- 9.05 : Dr. Christina Kraenzle (York University, Toronto) : "Travel writing and the medium of comics. Materiality, Authenticity and Alterity." Chair : Carl Thompson
- 9.50-10.05 : Discussion
- 10.05 – 10.20 : break
Panel 4 : Emergent forms (2)
Chair : Anne Rouhette
- 10.20 : Dr. Isabel Oliveira (NOVA, CETAPS): "Travel Imaginary and the Return to Roots: Cyril Pedrosa´s Portugal"
- 10.45 : Namitha Soman (IIT Ropar, India) : "The Journey of a Dark Tourist: Visualising Travel and Trauma in Joe Sacco’s Safe Area Goražde"
- 11.10-11.20 : Break
Panel 5 : Emergent Forms (3)
Chair : Carl Thompson.
- 11.30 : Dr. Biliana Vassileva (Center of Contemporary Arts Studies, Lille) : "The Dancing Traveler’s Tales: A Comment on the Research Creation Project."
- 11.55 : Dr. João Paulo Ascenso P. da Silva (CETAPS, NOVA) : "Alma de Viajante / The Soul of a Traveler – transmedial travel writing and storytelling in a Portuguese blog"
- 12.20 – 12.45 : Discussion and concluding remarks
- 13 – 14 : lunch for participants at Polydome
- 14 – 17: le Rendez Vous Carnet de Voyage festival event